Client Survey Questions
Below are the default survey questions that we send to survey your clients. To view the survey questions for your program. Log into the dashboard, click "Setup" in the navigation. Then select "Client" and "Questions" as indicated below. You can also view your respondents' survey experience by clicking the 'Preview Survey' button on this page.

Client Driver Survey Questions
1. Based on your most recent experience, how likely are you to recommend [Brand] to a friend or colleague? (Scaled 0 – 10 answer option)

2. My phone calls and emails are _____ returned within 24 hours.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- N/A
3. [Brand] _____ delivers high quality, error-free work.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- N/A
4. The Firm’s services are _____ a good value, given the cost.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- N/A
5. [Brand]_____ has a thorough understanding of my needs.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- N/A
6. [Brand] is _____ proactive in their approach to helping me.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- N/A
7. What is the primary reason behind the ratings you provided? (Open-ended)

8. What is the one thing we could be doing differently to increase the value you receive from us? (Open-ended)