Employee Survey Questions
Below is a list of questions that we send to survey your employees.
1. If asked, how likely would you be to recommend [brand] as a good place to work to a friend or family member?**
(Scaled 0 – 10 answer option)

2. What is the primary reason behind the rating that you provided?

3. I am optimistic about what the next year has in store for me working at [brand].
- Yes
- No
- I don't know
4. I enjoy working with my colleagues at [brand].
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
5. My compensation package (salary, bonuses and benefits) is fair compared to people who do similar work at other companies.
- Yes
- No
- Don't Know
6. I receive recognition when I do my job well.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
7. There are opportunities for advancement for me within my firm.
- Yes
- No
- Don't Know
8. I receive feedback in a timely manner from my immediate manager on my performance.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
9. I am proud to work for [brand].
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
10. I feel like I belong at this firm.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
11. The best people get promoted, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
12. Management shows that diversity is important through its actions.
- Always
- Sometimes
- Never
- Don't Know
13. What can [brand] do to improve your experience as an employee?

Optional Demographic Information
1. Gender: What is your gender identity? Please mark all that apply. [Multiselect]
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary or gender non-conforming
- Other
2. Race or Ethnicity: What is your race or ethnicity? Please mark all that apply. [Multiselect]
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American (Non-Hispanic)
- Hispanic or Latin
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- Two or more races
- White (Non-Hispanic)
- Other (not listed)
3. Identity: Do you identify in any of the following ways? Please mark all that apply. [Multiselect]
- LGBTQIA+ and/or sexual orientation minority
- Trans (gender identity/expression does not match sex assigned at birth)
- Single parent or guardian family
- Parent or guardian with a dependent living in the home
- Armed Service Veteran
- Physically disabled
- Disabled in another way (intellectual, sensory, mental illness)
- Have been convicted of or pled guilty to charges other than minor traffic violations
- Other underrepresented group
- I do not identify as any of these groups
4. Age: What is your age? [Select]
- 25 years old or younger
- 26 to 40 years old
- 41 to 55 years old
- 56 to 74 years old
- 75 years old or older
5. Job Role: Which of the following best describes your current job within your firm? [Select] )
- Executive (C-Level/Owner/Partner)-(Staffing,RPO)
- Branch/Office Manager-(Staffing,RPO)
- Sales Account Executive-(Staffing,RPO)
- Recruiter-(Staffing,RPO)
- Support/administrative/staff-(Staffing,RPO)
- Director/VP/Regional Manager-(HR,Staffing,RPO)
- Executive (C-Level/Owner/Partner)-(HR)
- HR Consultant-(HR)
- Sales/Business Development-(HR)
- Partner/Shareholder-(Accounting)
- Accountant-(Accounting)
- Equity Partner/Shareholder-(Legal)
- Non-Equity Partner-(Legal)
- Attorney-(Legal)
- Staff-(HR, Accounting, Legal)
- Other-(HR, Accounting, Legal)
6. How many years experience do you have in your current job? Please include time in this job role at [brand] as well as at other firms. [Select]
- Less than 1 year
- Between 1 and 2 years
- Between 2 and 3 years
- Between 3 and 5 years
- Between 5 and 10 years
- More than 10 years
7. What is your total annual base salary? (Please do not include bonuses, commissions, healthcare or other benefits) [Numeric input]