How To Interpret NPS Drivers
NPS Driver Questions are displayed within your dashboard directly under the data trends report. To navigate there, login to the dashboard and then click “View Results for one of your surveys. For each driver question you’ll see the:
- Topic: the overall summary of the survey question
- Full Question: the survey question's text in its entirety
- Answer: the percentage of respondents that responded “Yes” to that question
- Note: “Yes” may instead say “Always” depending on your industry
- Responses: the exact number of responses to that question
Pro Tips:
- Hover over the % scores to see the number of responses per question.
- Your number of responses could differ between questions as respondents may skip questions.

NPS Impact Explained
When you select the second tab “NPS Impact” you’ll have the ability to dive further into the feedback. NPS if “Yes” = The NPS of your respondents that answered “Yes” to that question. NPS if “No” = The NPS of your respondents that answered “No” to that question. For example, looking at the first question regarding responsiveness of your team. Of the respondents that answered "Always", their combined NPS is 89.3%. For those that didn’t perceive your team as responsive, their NPS is a 44.4%.
Pro Tip:
- If you filter on a segment (office, region, etc.) the Full Question column will be replaced with a comparison to your Overall score.

We isolate anyone who said their calls and emails are "Always” returned within 24 hrs and we calculate their NPS score. Then, we isolate anyone who said that your team does "Not Always” return their calls and emails within 24 hrs and we isolate their NPS score. By doing this, we’ll be able to see the levels of satisfaction when these behaviors do or don’t happen. The larger the gap, the larger the impact.
That being said, the goal with NPS Impact is to provide visibility into the open ended feedback you receive. While we fully recommend and encourage that you go through your open ended feedback, this is meant to draw your eye to what specific parts of your process aren’t happening like they should. It’s also data that you can set benchmarks around.
Net Promoter Score
In the Net Promoter Score tab of any individual segment, you can see the overall NPS, the percentage of promoters, passives and detractors, the average and the NPS impact.

You will either see double dashes, a positive number or a negative number.
- For the double dashes, there was no significant NPS impact for the particular data field.
- If you see a positive number, it represents the NPS percentage points that a particular data field adds to your overall NPS. If you were to remove that data field from your survey, you would see your overall NPS decrease by that many percentage points.
- For the negative numbers, it’s the exact opposite. The data associated with the account manager, in this case, is bringing down your overall NPS. If you were to remove the account manager, you would see your overall NPS increase by that number of percentage points.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve dug into the impact of your organization’s NPS drivers, it’s time to make a plan and put it to action. Here are a couple of ways this data can be useful for your next internal planning meeting!
Identify Areas of Opportunity
- Zero-in on your most common service issue that can realistically be improved
- The NPS impact with the largest difference is the area with the highest amount of opportunity
- Build a plan and a timeline with attainable milestones
- Establish a team manage the plan and drive improvements
Share Your Findings
- Loop internal stakeholders in on the survey results so they may set team-specific goals for improvement
- Send a follow-up email to everyone who was sent the survey using this formula:
- Two things you did well
- One area that would benefit from improvement
- 1 action you’re taking to improve
Utilize Data for Sales and Marketing
- Use this data to highlight your company to prospective clients and external marketing materials
- i.e. [X]% of our clients say that [brand] submits candidates who fit its client’s culture”