Mapping Office Location to ClearlyRated Profile Page
Why is it important?
- It's important to have your office location's map to a ClearlyRated profile page because those pages (with your star ratings) are optimized to enhance how your ClearlyRated star ratings display in search. One of the most credible forms of social proof is user generated, third party ratings and testimonials.
- When your office locations are mapped to profile pages then you're able to use the ClearlyRated Star Ratings Widget to show proof on your company's website that your service is exceptional.
How do I map my brand's office locations to profile page?
There are primarily two reason that brands do not have mapped office locations on The first scenario is that you might not have location data in the contact lists you've used for previous surveys. The second scenario is that you have the location data in the lists but you may not have mapped the data to your ClearlyRated profile pages.
Pick a scenario below and follow steps.
Scenario A) No location data in your previous contact list. If you did not provide location data in your previous survey contact list, then you will not be able to map your locations to a profile page (and display your star ratings). At this point you have two (2) options. You can add the data to a previous list or you can make sure you include it in your next survey's contact list.
Option 1:
Step 1: Log into your dashboard → Contacts
Step 2: Select your last survey in the drop down and click "Download Contacts".
Step 3: Add a column with the header name "location" and adds that indicates which location each contact in your list is associated with. For example, you can indicate this with an office name, city name, or office ID #. It's a good idea to use data that stays fairly consistant over time so you don't need to remap as often.
Step 4: Send your list to and we'll update the data in your dashboard. If you get us your list by 1/24/20 then we will upload this for you for free. After 1/24/20 the service fee is $299.
Step 5: Once we've uploaded your updated list, you can map these locations to your profiles. Go to Online Profile → Profile Pages
Step 6: Go to Online Profile → Profile Pages. Select the brand associated with the office location(s) that need to be mapped. If you only have one brand skip this step.

Step 7: Turn on star ratings & testimonials. This will let you map your location based star ratings.
Step 8: On this page under Manage Locations you will see a list of your office locations. Select an office location that is not mapped.
Step 9: Click into the location (i.e. Portland) and under 'Survey Location Data', select within the dropdown the data that should be associated with that office location.
Step 10: That's it! You did it! After about 10 minutes your star ratings will display on your profile page.
Option 2: You can wait until your next survey then add location data to your contact list in a column named "locations". Once your list is uploaded, use steps 6-10 above to start generating star ratings on your profile page!
Scenario B) You have location data that hasn’t been mapped to your ClearlyRated Profile Page. To get you started, we tried our best to map your location data to a location profile page but we ran into some confusion. When looking at your data we couldn't figure out what data to use from your contact list (either because your location names don't obviously match physical locations or we weren't sure which column your location data came from in your contact list).
To map your own locations, here are the steps to take.
Step 1: Log into your dashboard → go to Online Profile → Profile Pages
Step 2: Select the brand associated with the office location(s) that need to be mapped.
Step 3: Turn on star ratings & testimonials. This will let you map your location based star ratings.
Step 4: On this page under Manage Locations you will see a list of your office locations. Select the office locations that is not mapped.
Step 5: Click into each office location (i.e. Portland) and under 'Survey Location Data', select within the dropdown the data that should be associated with that office location.
Step 6: That's it! You did it! After about 10 minutes your star ratings will display on your profile page.
*Helpful Tip: If you have changed this data in the past, log into the dashboard and check out your last survey to view your location data in there. Then you'll know if you are referencing the most recent data you uploaded in the dropdown menu that's described in step 3 above.
Map Your Locations and Use Your ClearlyRated Star Ratings Widget. Help Your Buyers Quickly Access Proof That Your Company Can Be Trusted!
Every company has spun up a website to tell their service story - highlighting customer testimonials and reviews, displaying case studies, and showcasing awards on their website in hopes that they'll stand out as different and better than their competition. Buyers are looking for reason to trust the service story a company is telling about themselves. This story is only validated through social proof- buyers want to see evidence from people who have used the product or service.
One of the most credible forms of social proof is user generated, third party ratings and testimonials. According to research done by online search experts BrightLocal, 86% of customers are looking to online, third-party reviews as proof that the purchase they are considering will deliver value. Seeking social proof is not new, but the rise of social media has user generated ratings at the center of how buyers seek proof of value. To accelerate a buyer's ability to trust, company's should be using technology to pull user generated, third-party ratings onto their website. Companies that help buyers quickly find social proof of the value they are promising, will see an increase in website lead conversions according to CXL Institute.
The ClearlyRated Widget pulls our clients' user generated ratings on to their website, giving quick access to social proof that the company can be trusted to deliver value. Trust is one of the key factors in converting buyers online and the ClearlyRated Widget is designed to put service at the heart of a company's growth strategy.
Company's with the strongest social proof will win.