Published by Arin Russell - 05/15/19

CS Webinar – 3 Ways to Get Your Team Excited About Your NPS Program (5/14/19)

ClearlyRated Webinar

3 Ways to Get Your Team Excited About Your NPS Program

Presented on May 14, 2019

You feel like you’re running the survey program all on your own and aren’t sure that anyone else is as excited about it as you are. Well, you’re not alone! Many service-driven people like yourself are in the same boat! But how do you build hype around a survey? And more importantly, how do you keep the momentum going during and after it ends? Over this 20-minute webinar, we explored 3 key ways to conquer this and to get your team as excited about a client satisfaction survey as you are!

Presented by Zita Flaherty, Account Manager at ClearlyRated, this webinar should get the creative juices flowing and hopefully keep the survey flame lit within your organization!

Topics that are covered:

  • Educating employees on the modern survey
  • How to celebrate the wins with shout outs and testimonials
  • Building out a team follow-up plan

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The only employee survey that drives meaningful progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion.