AI Insights:
Open-Ended Feedback

Analyzes the open-ended feedback you receive in your surveys to spot patterns and themes.

Gleaning actionable insights from open-ended feedback can be time consuming. Our new AI tool sorts, categorizes, and ranks your feedback for you - automatically.

The Details

  • Automatically categorizes, sorts, and ranks sentiment analyzed from the open-ended feedback in your surveys
  • The categories into which the AI sorts the feedback are industry-specific (Staffing, Accounting, Legal, etc) - based on research from our Analytics team. These broad categories will be used in future product releases for industry-specific benchmarking.
  • No setup required! AI insights automatically show up on each survey's Survey Overview page once you've opted-in to our AI features
  • Analyzes two open-ended questions:
    • Service Insights: "What is the primary reason behind the rating you provided?"
    • Suggestion Question: "What, if anything, could [BRAND] do differently to increase the value you receive from them?"
  • Sorting is based on the frequency of each category the tool identifies
  • Drill down into each category by clicking to see sub-categories and links to full responses
  • No survey respondent identifying data is used in the analysis - only the survey responses themselves
  • Log in to your dashboard to get started!


Click on the image below for a brief, step-by-step tutorial of how to use this feature.


Ready to Get Started?

Simply log in to your dashboard.