Guide: Setting a Plan of Action


You’ve submitted your contact list, set up your profile page, users are added and your survey is about to go live. You may be wondering what else you need to do! Well, we have you covered. Below are some tips to make sure you get the most value out of your satisfaction survey program and suggested events to add to your action plan.

Before Your Survey Goes Live

1. Set a Triage Plan

  • Define and communicate your follow up process for when a low score or constructive feedback is received. A well-executed follow up process is key to any service failure recovery!

Things to Consider

  • Who follows up with a detractor response?
  • What time expectancy do you set for a resolution?
  • Where do you track and close out the issues once resolved?

2. Communicate Internally: 1-2 Weeks Prior to Launch

  • Determine how you will communicate the “who, what, & why’s” to your team— provide transparency into why you’re investing in a survey initiative and lay out what the goals & expectations are for your firm.
  • Here’s a template you can use!

3. Communicate Externally: 1 Week Prior to Launch

  • Give your talent a heads up that the survey is coming. Why? Even if they don’t answer—you’re sending a positive message that you care about their experience and feedback.
  • Sending this heads up email will allow you to catch bounced emails and correct them ahead of time.
  • Here’s a template you can use!

4. Familiarize Yourself With the ClearlyRated Knowledge Center

  Your Survey is Live

5. Respond to Issues As You Receive Them

6. Share Updates With Your Internal Staff

  • Sharing feedback while it’s being received helps get your team excited and creates elevated awareness about the survey while it’s live.

7. Circulate Service “Wins” Across Your Team

  • Celebrate where you’re excelling and recognize team members that go above and beyond to provide a great experience to your clients! 
  • Sharing feedback while it’s being received helps get your team excited and creates elevated awareness about the survey while it’s live.

8. Follow Up with Promoters

  • They are key referral contacts and are basically part of your marketing team. Reminding them that you appreciate their business will go a long way!
  • They may have left a suggestion for improvements that can be made on service, opening new avenues of growth.

9. Focus on Response Rate

  • Plan on who is responsible for following up with non-responders from your non-response list.
  • Timing is up to you! ClearlyRated sends a reminder 8 days after sending your initial survey on your behalf - reach out before or after that happens! Check your survey schedule in the dashboard for exact dates of your program.
  • Update bounced emails after your survey goes live to make sure everyone gets theirs.
  • Did you realize you missed including someone in the survey? It’s not too late to get them added.
  • Here are scripts, email templates and tutorials on how to follow up with non responders.

  After Your Survey Closes

10. Close the Survey Loop

11. Analyze Your Data

  • Download your reports, review your drivers and other reporting segments identifying what areas need attention and where they are excelling!
  • Send yourself a Financial Impact Report and apply your financial metrics to see the true impact of your promoters and detractors.

12. Share Analysis with Leadership

  • Make your survey scores transparent and available to all leaders across your firm.
  • Focus your analysis bottom up (if possible). Instead of leading with the mindset “the firm needs to do these things” you lead with “our clients are telling us we need to improve in these areas.” 

13. Discuss Findings Firm-wide

  • Don’t keep survey results sequestered to the C-suite. Foster a sense of ownership around the firm’s satisfaction metrics by sharing results openly. 
  • Provide employees with visibility into areas of improvement to encourage team-wide problem-solving and improvement efforts. 
  • Celebrate the wins, as well as recognizing those who go above and beyond!

14. Involve Other Departments

  • Marketing & Sales: If they haven’t been invited to the party yet, now is the time. Utilize shout outs, testimonials and driver question responses for marketing and promo material!
  • Operations: Sometimes processes need fine tuning. Using the ‘Start, Stop, Continue’ methodology, you can develop ideas and foster discussion.
  • Social Proof - Activate Star Ratings Widgets within your own website(s) and even your email signatures to easily display your excellent service levels.
  • Maximize your SEO. With your online profile pages up and running, make sure you’re doing everything you can to fully optimize your ClearlyRated program.

15. Ask for Referrals

Like a good meal, your survey program won’t be a success unless you put forward your best effort. Your ClearlyRated team is here to support you along the way and any questions you can’t find in the Knowledge Center can be directed to Best of luck!